

AFI. (Apr. 19, 2023). The City of London Babylonian Merchant-Banker Demon Hoax of All Time. Americans for Innovation.


Contributing Writers | Opinion | AMERICANS FOR INNOVATION  | Apr. 19, 2023, UPDATED May 30, 2023 | PDF | https://tinyurl.com/3hf2wj95
AFI. (Jan. 13, 2023). Elon Musk hides his 4,000+ year old Babylonian Radhanite pagan merchant-banker religion that leveraged King Solomon’s 666 Ophir gold. Americans for Innovation.
Fig. 1—The City of London is controlled by the Pilgrims Society who carry on the pagan control of the Radhanite merchant-bankers of Babylon. "The City of London Corporation" was chartered in 1067 after the coronation of William I, William the Conqueror, on Dec. 25, 1066 at Westminster Abbey.

William was Norman (French). The Babylonian Radhanites (demon-worshipping pagans who claimed to be Jews for several millennia) already had an extensive banking and trade network through Europe and, Middle East to China.

The Radhanite merchant-bankers were forced to flee Babylon (renamed Baghdad) ahead of the armies of the Muslim Seljuk Turks in 1055 A.D.—just 11 years earlier. They fanned out along their extensive network of merchant-banking centers.
Click image to enlarge
Jesus Christ driving the money-changers from the Temple on Holy Monday of Easter Week (Pascha, Passion Week)
Fig. 2—Great and Holy Monday: "And Jesus entered the temple and drove out all who sold and bought in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money-changers and the seats of those who sold pigeons. He said to them, It is written, 'My house shall be called a house of prayer,' but you make it a den of robbers.'" Matthew 21:12-13.

"Synagogue of Satan"

"Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee." Revelation 3:9. (Emphasis added.)
In the process, they rebranded themselves as "Ashkenazi Jews." They had called themselves Jews for millennia while in Babylon, but they had created their unique pagan version that followed the Talmud, Yiddish, and rabbis, rather than the Torah, Hebrew, and Prophets.

The "Ashkenazi" adjective was an 11th century fabricated moniker with no credible basis. They had also fabricated a new trading language—Yiddish, With this newly-minted identity, these Radhanites continued to press usury, debt slavery, fiat currency and human trafficking. Secretly, they worshipped Babylon's demon-gods of the Seven Deadly Sins, most notably Mammon—the love of money through usury, which the Prophets railed against. See Fig. N. below.

In 33 A.D., Jesus Christ had overturned the trading tables of these money-changers in the Temple on the Monday of Holy Week, having earlier been very clear about the choice each person must make:

“No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. Matthew 6:24.

Reader Note: We are continuing to compile primary evidence links in this post, so be sure and return over the next several weeks to download and read the new documents added.

“London is a modern Babylon”
Benjamin Disraeli, London, 1874
Imperialist, Twice British Prime Minister

“The most cruel hoax which history has ever perpetrated”
(The Ashkenazi/Khazarian [Fake] Jew Babylonian Radhanite merchant-banker hoax)
Sir Arthur Koestler, London, 1977
Socialist, Historian, Journalist

“British India [and America] sprang from the loins of the City of London”
A Parliament of the Press: The First Imperial Press Conference, 1909 (London), p. 54.

Organizations based in the "One Square Mile" "The City of London" Usury Lemming Zoo of Redcoats: Bank of England, BlackRock, Lloyds Bank, Vanguard, T. Rowe Price, Silver Vaults, London Stock Exchange, World Gold Council, Debt Management, Warburgs, Barings, Prudential, Goldman Sachs, Goldsmiths, Rothschild & Co, N.M. Rothschild, World Bank, BNY Mellon, Patent Attorneys, London Metal Exchange (Baron Michael Farmer), Investec (Lord Mark Malloch-Brown), Barclays, Coutts Bank, Lloyd's of London (insurance), Prince's Trust (Sir Nigel Knowles—Kamala Harris' handler), Salvation Army, YMCA (walking distance), London Royal Courts of Justice, Inner Temple, Inns of Court, Fleet Street (propaganda), Tavistock Institute (mind control, brainwashing, just blocks away), Facebook (walking distance), Google, BBC (walking distance), Satchi & Satchi (propaganda), Institute of Chartered Accountants, Weil Gotshal LLP (Facebook), Gibson Dunn LLP (Facebook), Baker McKenzie LLP (Facebook, Microsoft), Int'l Press Telecommunications Council, British Telecom, Unilever, Worshipful Council of Mercers (Livery Companies), British Bankers Association—It is a cozy group of Mammon-worshipping Babylonian Radhanite pagans dressed up like "Jews" and cowardly hiding behind the ADL. Sources: Wikipedia brag pages.


The City of London: Banking, Insurance, Commodities, Brokerage, Gold, Silver, Metals, Stock Exchange, Law, Accounting, Propaganda, Euthanasia, Telecommunications, Human Trafficking, Politics of Tyranny, Royal Forgiveness for All Sins & Transgressions of Usury

From Babylon as early as 4500 B.C. to 2023 A.D. (6523 yrs.), and more recently from 1067 A.D. (The City of London charter) to 2023 (956 yrs.), the demon-worshipping tyranny of Babylonian usury—currently centered in The City of London—is revealed (Wall Street, Paris, Beijing, and Zurich are mere minions), Moscow has always been a recalcitrant child.

Breaking News! Read this analysis of the demonic Babylonian Radhanite City of London merchant-banker markers within the coronation liturgy of King Charles III on May 06, 2023. A black mass? Experts say yes. Demons swirled around the historical lies being perpetuated.

Anonymous Patriots. (May 05, 2023). Review of the Authorized Liturgy for the Coronation Rights of His Majesty King Charles III, 42 pgs. The Church of England.

Fig. 3Anonymous Patriots. (May 05, 2023). Review of the Authorized Liturgy for the Coronation Rights of His Majesty King Charles III, 42 pgs. The Church of England.


Apr. 19, 2023—Well-paid Oxford, Cambridge, LSE, Yale, Columbia and Harvard “historians” have actively hidden the truth that “London is a modern Babylon.” Today, the mockingbird press and Wikipedia parrot their lies.

bookmark: #city-of-london-babylonian-paganism | https://tinyurl.com/ns2v969t
The pagan Babylonian Radhanite merchant-banker roots in the City of London
Click this image to play video. (We link to the raw *.mp4 here to anticipate yew toob censorship of this file. That link is provided below also.)
]Gabriel, McKibben. (May 11, 2023). The City of London Babylonian Merchant-Banker Demon Hoax of all Time. Americans for Innovations, American Intelligence Media.
Fig. 4—Gabriel, McKibben. (May 11, 2023). The City of London Babylonian Merchant-Banker Demon Hoax of all Time. Americans for Innovations, American Intelligence Media. Source: https://youtu.be/ukGUunvS0vE. (Raw *.mp4 raw video file.).
bookmark: #babylon-to-london | https://tinyurl.com/3f5mp29n
Babylon to London
Click this image to play video.
Gabriel, McKibben. (May 29, 2023). Babylon to London. Infotunes.
Fig. 5—Gabriel, McKibben. (May 29, 2023). Babylon to London. Infotunes. Bitchute version. (Raw *.mp4 video file); check your Downloads folder. Video: AIM/AFI.

The 2000-yr. old Babylonian Radhanites magically Disappeared from history in the 11th century!

For example, the Wikipedia entry for “Radhanite” carries an entire subheading “Disappearance:”

“The activities of the Radhanites appear to cease during the 10th century.”

This is nonsensical considering Wikipedia had earlier written:

“Their trade [and banking] network covered much of Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia, and parts of India and China.”

"... appear to cease in the 10th century" is a cheap propaganda lie.

Note that the entire entry carefully avoids any reference to banking, coinage, money, debt, financing, contracts, gold, silver, etc. as if the commerce occurred without money.

“Many trade routes previously established under the Roman Empire continue to function [during the Radhanite period].”

INCORRECT. The Babylonian Radhanites had been directing trade and banking routes along the Silk Road from China to Britain for more than a millennia before the Romans.

“Only a limited number of primary sources use the term.”

MISLEADING, INCORRECT: Authorities none other than the director of post and police of Babylon (by then renamed Baghdad), Ibn Khordadbeh, or Abu'l-Qasim Ubaydallah ibn Abdallah ibn Khordadbeh (ابوالقاسم عبیدالله ابن خرداذبه) is a primary source.

Radhanites are clearly identified by numerous related names including: Radknights, Rodknights, Riding knights, Riding sergeants, Radman, Radechenistre, Radchenistres, Radmanni, in Arabic Radhanīm الرذنية , Radcnicts, ar-Raðaniyya, or in Hebrew as רדהנים – Radhanim.

Notably, Wikipedia omits their English names including Radknights, Rodknights, Riding knights, Riding sergeants, and Radman, among others.

They are even referenced in The Domesday Book in England (1086 A.D.). "Dome" means census. It was commenced in 1080 A.D. and completed in two volumes in 1086 A.D. (p. 94).

Click image to view full document.
Edward Baines, Esq. M.P. (1836). Radknights, History of the County Palatine and Duchy of Lancaster, Vol. I, 670 pgs., The Biographical Department by W.R. Whatton, Esq. F.S.A. Fisher, Son, & Co. (London, Paris, New York) MDCCCXXXVI (1836).
Fig. 6—Edward Baines, Esq. M.P. (1836). Radknights, History of the County Palatine and Duchy of Lancaster, Vol. I, 670 pgs., The Biographical Department by W.R. Whatton, Esq. F.S.A. Fisher, Son, & Co. (London, Paris, New York) MDCCCXXXVI (1836).
Click image to view full document.
Frederic William Maitland, LL.D. (Jan. 20, 1897). Domesday Book and Beyond, TRANSCRIBED, ONLINE VERSION. Cambridge University Press.
Fig. 7—Frederic William Maitland, LL.D. (Jan. 20, 1897). Domesday Book and Beyond, TRANSCRIBED, ONLINE VERSION. Cambridge University Press.

Click image to enlarge
Berkeley in Gloucestershire - "There were 29 radknights, 162 villeins, 147 bordiers, 22 coliberts, 161 male and female serfs, besides some unenumerated men of the radknights"
Fig. 8—Berkeley Castle, Gloucestershire
Search term: "radknights"

p. 57: "Radknights who are liberi homines plough and harrow at the lord’s court."
p. 76: "The radmen and radknights of the west must ride on their lord’s errands and make themselves generally useful; they plough and harrow and mow, and do whatever is commanded them."
p. 112: Gigantic manor of Leominster in Herefordshire - "There were 8 reeves and 16 beadles and 8 radknights and 238 villeins, 75 bordiers and 82 male and female serfs...
p. 113: Berkeley in Gloucestershire - "There were 29 radknights, 162 villeins, 147 bordiers, 22 coliberts, 161 male and female serfs, besides some unenumerated men of the radknights"
p. 416: Cambridgeshire - "19 radknights ‘with their men’ are said to have 48 teams"

Search term: "radman"

p. 57: Bishop of Worcester - "riding men (radmanni) that it is written ‘they do whatever is commanded them"
p. 66: "In some of the western counties, Gloucester, Worcester, Hereford, Shropshire, there are rachenistres or radmans; between the Ribble and the Mersey we may find a party of drengs."
p. 308: "These men may be bound to fight at the bishop’s call, but fighting is not their main business; they are not professional warriors. They are the predecessors not of the military tenants of the twelfth century, but of the radchenistres, and radmanni of The Domesday Book, the rodknights of Bracton’s text, the thegns and drengs of the northern counties who puzzle the lawyers of the Angevin time."
p. 329: "The geneat (who becomes a villanus in the Latin version of our document that was made by a Norman clerk of Henry I.’s reign) is a riding-man, radmanradcniht, with a horse."

Notably, The massive Norman estate of the sheltered port of Berkeley in Gloucester had 19 radknights. That estate was created by William the Conqueror's chief aide de camp, Earl William FitzOsbern, one of the first English peers who helped William I lead the invasion of England. Berkeley is the home of Edward Jenner (1749-1823) "the father of vaccines."

How many radknights does it take to seize The City of London? 19 is enough.


Wikipedia’s propaganda is replete with sophistry like “another hypothesis,” “Muslim polities, “ “may have been…,” “unstable routes,” “fall of the Tang dynasty,“ and “rise of Italian city-states.”

Demonic Historians rebranded “Babylonian Radhanites” as “Ashkenazi” Jewish Merchant-Bankers

This is because these lying historians needed to disappear the “Radhanites” in order to introduce “Ashkenazi Jews.”

Ashkenaz was a great grandson of Noah and not at all notable.

Why do these highly-paid historians lie?

Because they are themselves possessed by the demon of Mammon—the love of money, the root of all evil. One need not look any further than the Babylonian Radhanite/Radknight/Ashkenazi who bankrolled them. Follow the money.

History has become cyclical, layered demon possession

According to authorities on demon possession, every time someone reads or hears a lie, and acts on it, another demon possesses them. Repentance and forgiveness can cast out that demon, but absent that, that demon possession gets progressively worse until one's "conscience [becomes] seared with a hot iron." I Timothy 4:2.

The Ladder of Divine Ascent
Click image to enlarge.
Social Networking Weaponization creates demon possession
Fig. 9—The Ladder of Divine Ascent. On the 4th Sunday of Great Lent Orthodox Christians commemorate St John Climacus and his renowned ascetical treatise, the Ladder of Divine Ascent. St John is also commemorated on March 30th. He was a monk at St Catherine’s Monastery on Mount Sinai and lived between the 6th and 7th Century. The demons try to drag the people off the ladder, while the angels support them from falling. The icon represents the journey of our earthly life and the struggles we face as we strive to enter into God's Kingdom.
The layers of demonic activity that is social networking is founded on a theft
Click image to enlarge.
Social Networking Weaponization creates demon possession
Fig. 10—The Weaponization of Social Networking creates demon possession as the users rely on the benefits of illgotten gain. See AFI. (Nov. 22, 2017). The Weaponization of Social Media Should Concern Us All. (HTML version.) Americans for Innovation.

This means the lying historians who have misled humanity on the identity of the Babylonian Radhanites have much to answer for. They have been responsible for the murder and abuse of hundreds of millions of souls.

These historians have hidden the Babylonian pagan religion of merchant-banking (usury, debt, slavery) and have kept that secret hidden from humanity since soon after the Flood of Noah.

Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli (1868-1880) promoted the demons of this Babylonian Radhanite history hoax

Benjamin Disraeli (Earl of Beaconsfield) wrote “London is a modern Babylon” in Tancred (1847). Twenty-one years later, Disraeli became British prime minister (1868-1869, 1874-1880). He began to advocate a new British imperialism in league with British and American bankers including N.M. Rothschild, George Peabody, Junius and John Morgan, Rockefellers, Warburgs, Schiffs, Churchill, Rhodes, Milner, Lord Rosebery, Lord Pirbright, Boston Brahmins, Barclay (Bevan) Brothers, and Baring Brothers, among others. These men used their secret demonic power over money to subdue the world.

In Disraeli’s novel Tancred, Eva, a beautiful Jewish protagonist, lured a young Lord Montacute into the glories of past Middle Eastern civilizations. His father hoped the Babylonian glories of London would convince him to stay in London— the new Babylon.

Demon Mammon Rules The City of London

Pagan Babylonian Radhanite merchant-bankers seized control of England at the Battle of Hastings in 1066 A.D.—England was seized by Mammon at inception.

Edward the Confessor and William the Conqueror relied on the Babylonian Radhanite merchant-bankers in the founding of Britain, most notably The City of London.

Disraeli knew the secret that The City of London was (and still is) controlled by Babylonian pagan merchant-bankers and that their power emanated from the Seven Deadly Sins.

Disraeli betrayed this knowing in such writings as “What can withstand the united influence of taste, wealth, and commerce?” as if these supplant the Golden Rule: “Do to others as you would have them do to you..” Matthew 7:12; Luke 6:31. These pagan merchant-banker practice the demonic opposite.

Today, we have known that our modern day merchant-bankers thrive on creating debt slaves. They cannot win unless their victims lose. This is demonic.

Who are these Babylonian Radhanite merchant-banker demons we are encountering?

The Babylonians Worshipped Many Demons, including Mammon

While singing the praises of Babylonian luxuries, Disraeli failed to point out that the Babylonians worshipped demon-gods as the source of these luxuries.

These Babylonian demons include Asmodeus, Ba’al, Baphomet, Beelzebub, Behemoth, Ishtar, Legion, Leviathan, Lucifer, Mammon, Marduk, Moloch, Pazuzu, Satan, Agrat bat Maḥlat, Alu, Alukah, Asherah, Ashmodai, Astarte, Azazel, Belial or Beliar, Bel-Marduk, Chemosh, Dagon, Deber, Dever, Ekimmu, Gallu, Horon, Ilu Limnu, Keṭeb, Kotar Hosis, Labartu, Labartu, Lamashtu, Lilith, Lilu, Lotape, Mavet, Nahar, Nergal, Ninisina, Pentalpha, Rabisu, Reshef, Resheph, Resheph, Shachar, Shalem, Shamḥazai, Shedim, Shedim, Tannin, Tiamat, Tirosch, Yoḥane bat Reṭibi, and others.

Click image to enlarge.
Primary demon-gods of Babylon.
Fig. 11—Some of the Primary demon-gods of Babylon.

These are the demons to whom a fallen King Solomon built temples and worshipped himself, along with his 1,000 wives and concubines (“He also built places of worship where all his foreign wives could burn incense and offer sacrifices to their own gods . . . Solomon did not obey the Lord but turned away from him.” I Kings 11).

Since before Solomon’s time, members of the Tribe of Judah had migrated from Jerusalem to the great city of Babylon. If they had not already intermarried with their earlier Assyrian captors, they continued to intermarry with their neighbors, forsook the God of Israel, worshipped Babylon’s many gods, and became the leading merchants, bankers, judges, tax collectors, law enforcement and governors of the Babylonian Empire.

The “Jews” (in name only) of Babylon forsook the God of Israel for Babylon’s demon-gods

Some of these apostate Babylonians retained vestigial Jewish names, but their Hebrew-ness had long since disappeared into a mingling of blood from the merchant-banking traders routes of the Silk Road: Turks, Assyrians, Persians, Sogdians, Chinese and later Khazarian.

The Sogdian aquiline hooked-nose genetic defect.
Fig. 12—The Sogdian aquiline hooked-nose genetic distinction. On the Silk Road, Chinese traders could easily identify the mixed-blooded Sogdian merchant-bankers (later renamed Ashkenazi) by their prominent hooked nose. Sogdians, Persians, Turkic, Asiatics mixed blood as they intermarried and established homes and businesses all along the 4,000 miles of the Silk Road from China to Europe). Source: "Intoxicated Barbarian King." Gigaku Mask [No. 47] of Suiko-ō [“Intoxicated Barbarian King”] Japan, 8th century CE. Imperial Household Agency, Shōsōin Repository, South Section 1, Nara, Japan, Freer-Sackler Smithsonian.

Remarkably, the Chinese anciently noticed a distinguishing trait of this mingled DNA—a pronounced hooked, aquiline nose. But remember, these merchant-bankers were not Jews, and they only pretended to be because it gave them respect among the many Silk Road pagan trading cultures.

Babylonian King Hammurabi codified usury, slavery and child sacrifice in ca. 1750 B.C.

Hammurabi Code
Fig. 13—The Hammurabi Code of laws ca. 1755-1750 B.C.)—a collection of 282 rules, established standards for commercial interactions and set fines and punishments to meet the requirements of justice. Hammurabi's Code was carved onto a massive, finger-shaped black stone stele (pillar) that was looted by invaders and finally rediscovered in 1901.

Stele (upright stone slab) with law code of Hammurabi, from Susa, Iran, ca. 1780 B.C. Basalt, 7’ 4” high. Louvre, Paris.

See L.W. King, translator. (Accessed Oct. 10, 2022). The Code of Hammurabi. Yale Law School.

These “Jews” helped write the 282 rules of the Hammurabi Code of Laws (1755-1750 B.C.). Hammurabi permitted and supported usury, slavery and child sacrifice.

These imposter “Jews” ran Babylon, and most notably controlled its coinage and merchant-banking business contracts, spying, and propaganda all along the 4,000 miles of the Silk Road that terminated in a wealthy imposter-Jew merchant-banker suburb of Babylon named “Radhan” along the Tigris River.

Click image to enlarge.
Babylonian Radhanite merchant-banker (blue) & interlocked Silk Road Trade Routes. (Source: Ibn Khordadbeh (820-913 A.D.), Book of Roads and Kingdoms ( ca. 870 A.D.).
Fig. 14—Map of Eurasia showing the trade network of the Babylonian Radhanites (in blue), ca. 870 A.D., as reported in the account of Ibn Khordadbeh in the Book of Roads and Kingdoms; other interlocked trade routes of the period are shown in purple.
Click image to enlarge.
Map of Iraq and Khuzestan, with inserts on the vicinities of Baghdad and Samarra, during the Abbasid period (8th-13th centuries). Guy Le Strange - Le Strange, Guy (1905. The Lands of the Eastern Caliphate: Mesopotamia, Persia, and Central Asia, from the Moslem Conquest to the Time of Timur. New York: Barnes & Noble, Inc., page 25.
Fig. 15—Map of Iraq and Khuzestan, with inserts on the vicinities of Baghdad and Samarra, during the Abbasid period (8th-13th centuries). Guy Le Strange - Le Strange, Guy (1905. The Lands of the Eastern Caliphate: Mesopotamia, Persia, and Central Asia, from the Moslem Conquest to the Time of Timur. New York: Barnes & Noble, Inc., page 25.

Solomon’s Gold Ruined Him and Empowered the Babylonian Radhanite Merchant-Banker Pagans . . . To This Day
666 Gold!

In 925 BC, King Solomon teamed up with the pagan Phoenician King of Tyre, Hiram I, to transport gold, silver and luxury goods from the South African mines of Ophir (today the DeBeers mines).

During Solomon’s reign from 970-931 B.C., 666 talents (39,959 pounds) of gold were delivered to him each year totaling 1,600,000 pounds or 800 tons.

In addition to this gold, Solomon regularly received gifts of gold from visitors like the Queen of Sheba, who brought him 120 talents of gold (4.5 tons). I Kings 10.

We believe Solomon’s gold disappeared into the pagan “Jewish” banks of Babylon and was used as collateral to back coinage and paper debt along the Silk Road throughout the known world.

Solomon’s gold empowered debt slavery to take on global proportions. Mammon most surely lured him into this greatest of sins. The Bible describes his greed and lust in great detail.

Evidently, the Babylonian fake Jewish Radhanite debt-slaver pagans had no intention of sharing their secrets outside of their demonic money and slavery clique.

Where are gold coins from Solomon’s temple today? They do not exist.

Solomon evidently teamed with the pagan Kings of Tyre and Babylon in exchange for longevity, 700 wives (Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Sidonians and Hittites), 300 concubines and the profligacy of his reign. He sinned and fell from God’s grace. He even built and worshipped at pagan temples for his wives. I Kings 11.

Incontrovertible evidence of this “Jewish” merchant-banking control of the Babylonian Empire was discovered in 1874 with the uncovering of the well-preserved archives of the Egibi (600 to 482 BC) and Murašû (5th century BC) Babylonian banking families.

These cuneiform clay tables totaled 2,579 and described Hammurabi contracts for barley, food, chick pea, fruit, beer, water, labor, slaves, money, gold, silver, coinage, debts, property, credit, interest, law enforcement, travel, deposits, crops, land, taxes, judgments, animals, construction, musicians, gardens, fields, houses, corn, irrigation, farming, flocks, transportation, concubines, divorce, marriage, health, deeds, murder, children, dowries, daughters, conflicts, servants, oil, spices, ships, artisans, shepherds, bronze, barns, buildings, storage, weapons, branding, civil construction, temple management, and hunting.

Bookmark: #babylon-banking-house-of-egibi | https://tinyurl.com/2w7s3zdk
The "Jewish" Babylonian Banking House of Egibi Archives ("Babylonian Rothschilds")
ca. 602 B.C. to 486 B.C.
The House of Egibi trafficked in slaves. Cuneiform tablet: agreement regarding disposition of slaves, Egibi archive ca. 540 BC. This contract is part of 1700 tables of The House of Egibi Bankers from Babylon.
Fig. 16—The House of Egibi trafficked in slaves. Cuneiform tablet: agreement regarding disposition of slaves, Egibi archive ca. 540 BC. This contract is part of 1700 tables of The House of Egibi Bankers from Babylon. Source: The Met.
Bookmark: #babylon-banking-house-of-Murasu | https://tinyurl.com/mr3kj3ry
The "Jewish" Babylonian Banking House of MuraSHÛ Archives
ca. 539 B.C.
Matthew W. Stolper. (Oct. 01, 1976). The Genealogy of the Murašû Family (leading Jewish banker in Babylon ca. 5th century BCE), Journal of Cuneiform Studies, Vol. 28, No. 4, 12 pgs., PDF p. 13. The University of Chicago Press.
Fig. 17—Matthew W. Stolper. (Oct. 01, 1976). The Genealogy of the Murašû Family (leading Jewish banker in Babylon ca. 5th century BCE), Journal of Cuneiform Studies, Vol. 28, No. 4, 12 pgs., PDF p. 13. The University of Chicago Press. Reproduced for educational purposes only. Fair Use relied upon.

Click here for the Stolper caption text contained in this graphic.

See also:
Albert T. Clay. (1912). Business Documents of Marishu Sons [Murašû Sons] of Nippur Dated In The Reign Of Darius II, 317 pgs. Vol X. U. Penn Dept. of Archaeology and Paleontology.

Alan D. Crown (1932-2010), professor. (Apr. 15, 2019). The First Diasporas: Egypt and Babylonia [incl. Murašû Banking tablets], The Alan Crown Lecture by Gary A. Rendsburg (Mar. 28, 2019), MesArch 68. Mandelbaum House, Rutgers University.

Babylonian Radhanite pagan merchant-banking evidence destroyed by the British East India Company in 1855

Contemporaneous to the discovery of these Egibi archives was the earlier disappearing of 56 tons of Babylonian antiquities in May 1855 called the “Al-Qurnah Disaster.

It was orchestrated by Sir Henry (“Indiana Jones”) Rawlinson of the British East India Company. The current curator of the British Museum, Irving Finkel, gave Rawlinson this discrediting title.

Rawlinson was evidently tasked to destroy the evidence proving the connection between The City of London and pagan Babylonian Radhanite merchant-banking.

The Talmud supplanted The Torah

About a millennia later, between the 3rd and 6th centuries A.D., the Babylonian fake Jewish Radhanites created an alternative to the Torah and named it the Babylonian Talmud.

The Talmud essentially replaced the Torah for the fake Jews of Babylon. It empowered rabbis at the expense of the Torah and the Prophets. It sanctioned thousands of exemptions and justifications for usury, interest, debt, slavery and empowered rabbis to define their Judaism however they liked.

They became the Jewish version of the church of the prosperity gospel.

Now we must roll the history timeline forward 1,200 years to ca. 870 A.D. when Babylonian geographer (mentioned earlier), spy chief and post master Ibn Khordadbeh wrote Book of Roads and Kingdoms. He described four main trade routes used by the Radhanites.

The four routes span Scandinavia, England, France and Spain in the west through Russia, Germany Poland, Byzantium, Khazaria and Egypt thorough Russia, Middle East and Indian Ocean in the east then to China.

In short, the thoroughly pagan Babylonian Radhanites controlled money and merchant-banking throughout the known world by leveraging their control of Solomon’s gold.

The Radhanites maintained a veneer of Jewishness (in the good Sabbatean and Frankian spirit of the time), but by the time Ibn Khordadbeh wrote Book of Roads and Kingdoms their credibility at being ostensibly Jewish was waning. The façade was not fooling anyone.

As the conflicts between the Babylonian Persians and the Muslim Seljuk Turks to their east ramped up, the Radhanites made arrangements to open a northern Silk Road route to Europe. It was a hedge against the day when Babylon might fall to the Seljuk Turks.

In that context, they convinced their northern pagan neighbors in Khazaria, Crimea to “convert” to Judaism and open that route. This faux conversion (a pragmatic business deal, pagan to pagan) of the Khazarians in 861 A.D. cemented the northern route for the Babylonian Radhanites. It insured their continued flow of commerce to Russia and Europe.

Babylon (by then renamed Baghdad) fell to the Seljuk Turks in 1055 A.D., but the Radhanites had already secured their northern route on the Silk Road through Khazaria for several hundred years before falling in 960 A.D. to Grand Prince Sviatoslav (Sviatoslav I Igorevich), ruler of the Rus kingdom (Kievan Rus, r. 945-972 A.D.), who were not unfriendly to Silk Road trade.

Yiddish, 10th century

At this same time in the 10th century, the Babylonian Talmudic merchant-banker “Jews” also created a secret trading language—Yiddish.

Yiddish allowed them to replace Sogdian and continue controlling the Silk Road merchant-banker trade with a unique language only the insiders knew—the definition of insider trading!

One Yiddish whisper, sent by fast pony along the Silk Road, could raise or lower commodity prices at will. This ensured the Yiddish fake Jewish Babylonian Radhanite merchant-banking houses always got their way.

By this time, these Babylonian Radhanite merchant-bankers had an image problem as well as a practical one.

They needed somewhere besides Baghdad (Babylon) to store their Solomonic gold, and with their aquiline hooked-nose genetic peculiarity, they no longer looked like Semitic Jews.

In Western Europe, the fake Jew façade of these ancient Babylonian Radhanite pagan merchant-bankers had become obvious.

Aschkenazi, 11th century

Then, in the 11th century, these hooked-nose Babylonian Radhanite merchant-banker pagans rebranded themselves as “Ashkenazi” Jews.

Thus began the historic connection between Ashkenazi "Jews" and hooked-noses. Quite a blood hoax.

“Ashkenazi” was made up in the 11th century

Ashkenaz was a great grandson of Noah, he was not a separate Semitic bloodline. In other words, the label “Ashkenazi Jew” was made up by Babylonian Radhanite merchant-bankers to pretend to be Jewish for credibility purposes with their Christian and Muslim customers.

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The Ashkenazi "tribe" was fabricated by Babylonian Radhanite merchant-bankers to promote a "jewish" identity while hiding their paganism
Click image to enlarge.
Eran Elhaik. (Sep. 05, 2018). Ashkenazic Jews’ mysterious origins unravelled by scientists thanks to ancient DNA. The Conversation.
Fig. 18—Eran Elhaik. (Sep. 05, 2018). Ashkenazic Jews’ mysterious origins unravelled by scientists thanks to ancient DNA. The Conversation.

In other words, their trading story of being Jewish converts had lost credibility, so they cooked up “Ashkenazi” as a fresh “Jewish” identity.

The Khazarian Babylonian Radhanite Merchant-Banker Silk Road Makeover

To further confuse this made-up identity makeover, they convinced their fellow pagan Khazarians in the Crimea to ostensibly convert to Judaism as well. This Khazarian “conversion” never ran deep and was a business move so as to be included in the lucrative deal-making, trading and banking on the Silk Road.

Modern DNA evidence proves that Ashkenazi Jews are neither Hebrew nor even Semitic. Notably, the Rothschild families systematically refuse to submit to DNA tests. Now we know why.

Babylonian Radhanite pagan merchant-bankers were already arrayed across Western Europe and were funding innumerable wars.

In various archive writings they are referred to as:

Radknights, Rodknights (Bracton’s text), Riding knights, Riding sergeants, Radman, Radechenistre, Radchenistres, Radmanni, the thegns, the drengs, Radcnicts, Reteyners, and Geneats. See also Radknights. (Accessed Apr. 07, 2023). Domesday Book Glossary. The National Archives (UK).

Radhanite-Ashkenazi Fake Jewish merchant-bankers hijacked England at Inception

The political disunity in medieval England likely drove the Radhanites to concentrate on seizing control of the disunited English counties. This worked. They gained their ascendancy of the "Shires" at about the time of a weak Edward the Confessor (1003-1066 A.D.):

WESSEX, MERCIA, EAST ANGLIA, WALES: Bedfordshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Cambridgeshire, Cheshire, Cornwall, Cumberland, Derbyshire, Devon, Dorset, Durham, East Anglia, East Riding, East Saxons, Essex, Gloucester, Hampshire, Hampshire, Herefordshire, Huntingdonshire, Kent, Lancashire, Leicestershire , Lincolnshire, Mercia, Middle Saxons, Middlesex, Norfolk, North Riding, Northamptonshire, Northumberland, Northumbria, Nottinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Rutland, Shropshire, Somerset, Somerset, South Saxons, Staffordshire, Suffolk, Surrey, Sussex, Wales, Warwickshire, West Riding, Westmorland, Wiltshire, and Worcester.

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England, 1066
1066 A.D. at the time of the Battle of Hastings,
formation of the country of England
Click image to enlarge.
England, Map of the Shires in 1066
Fig. 19—England, 1066. At the time of the Battle of Hastings and the coronation of the Norman (Frenchman) William I ("The Conqueror") on Dec. 25, 1066.

The seat of the Treasury under the Anglo-Saxons was the landlocked City of Winchester, 60 miles south west of London, 14 miles from Southampton

The “radknights” centered themselves in the City of London and among the Anglo-Saxon barons. Some were manor owners themselves. The Domesday Book verifies that in the vast estate of Berkeley, Gloucestershire - "There were 29 radknights, 162 villeins, 147 bordiers, 22 coliberts, 161 male and female serfs, besides some unenumerated men of the radknights." See Fig. N above.

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London, ca. 1066
1066 A.D. at the time of the Battle of Hastings,
formation of the country of England
Click image to enlarge.
London, ca. 1066.
Fig. 20—London, ca. 1066. At the time of the Battle of Hastings and the coronation of the Norman (Frenchman) William I ("The Conqueror") on Dec. 25, 1066.

At Edward the Confessors’ death on Jan. 05, 1066, William I from Normandy, France, challenged for the throne and won at the Battle of Hastings on Oct. 14, 1066.

William I renamed himself "William the Conqueror" at his coronation at Westminster Abbey on Dec. 25, 1066.

Radknights were arrayed across the propertied barony estates of England, France, Belgium, Denmark, German and Scandinavia. They did exactly what the “Jewish” merchant-banker Radhanites had done in Babylon for millennia (taxes, property, contracts, money lending, usury, tribute, spying, propaganda, war, police, law, etc.) to maintain their control over the economy.

Rad-Knights & The City of London founding, 1067

Curiously, the term “radknight” first came into use at this time.

One of William the Conqueror’s first acts after his coronation on Dec. 25, 1066 was to given a charter to The City of London in 1067:

“William the king, friendly salutes William the bishop and Godfrey the portreeve and all the burgesses within London both French and English. And I declare that I grant you to be all law-worthy, as you were in the days of King Edward; And I grant that every child shall be his father’s heir, after his father’s days; And I will not suffer any person to do you wrong; God keep you”

The document reflected William's recognition of the importance of London, and its concentration of trade and wealth, which he wished to safeguard.

Port-reeve is “port warden” possessing authority over a town; Lord Geoffrey I de Mandeville, portreeve, Sire of Essex, Constable of the Tower of London.

William the Bishop of London was William the Norman (d. 1075) consecrated in 1051.

Burgesses were members of the City of London governing council.

Inherited titles within The City of London were to be inherited from father to son in perpetuity.

Most certainly The City of London was controlled by pagan Babylonian Radhanite merchant-bankers who had been trading there for centuries, as numerous early histories verify.

Indeed, English translations of Ibn Khordadbeh's work Book of Roads and Kingdoms were circulating, hence the French and English did not even bother to change their name: they were Radknight banker-merchants from Babylon, the anglicized version of Radhanites. Everybody knew that.

These Rad-knights, sometimes called "Riding knights" took several forms.

If they were tough and burly, they became the King’s armed fighting soldiers managed by the lords of the manor—Knights.

If they were small in stature, they handled the King’s business and finances also as “Riding knights” who accompanied the lord of the manor in enforcing tax collection and property management for the lord and the king.

Whether these knights were pagans or Jewish, made no difference to the barons and king, they collected the loans and taxes with interest.

In this milieu, these “Radknights” reinforced their Talmudic, Yiddish-speaking Babylonian Jewish veneer by renaming themselves “Ashkenazi Jews” replete with their Sogdian aquiline noses.

In this way, Babylonian Radhanite merchant bankers pagans:

  1. maintained their respectability as one of the "Big Three" Abrahamic religions,
  2. avoided the stigma of being pagans who worshiped a pantheon of demon-gods, most notably Mammon, Moloch, Lucifer, Asmodeus, Lilith, Ishtar, Arhiman and Ba’al (even though they continued to practice their demon worship in secret societies),
  3. had an excuse to speak Yiddish to negotiate merchant-banking deals uncontrolled by Christians,
  4. could use “pogroms” as the perennial excuse for crashing markets overburdened by their compound debt instruments, and
  5. used the anti-Semitic epithet if they were ever criticized too aggressively (today the Anti-Defamation League—ADL).

Rad-knights disappeared almost overnight from history, but knighthoods became a staple for the Yiddish insiders merchant-banker smoker clubs in The City of London.

The aristocratic title of knight survives to this day as a reward for cooperative demonic conduct, and as a hedge against betrayal of their secrets.

Wikipedia volunteers that “The Radhanites had mostly disappeared by the end of the 10th century.”

Wikipedia lies.

Truth is, as we have shown, the Radknights took over The City of London after 1067. They also moved Solomon’s gold to London that is today called the London Bullion Market. That gold has since been supplemented by Nazi and Yamasheta gold. Lord JAcob Rothschild and Baron Michael Farmer (Candace Owens' newly-minted father-in-law) oversee this gold for the Pilgrims Society.

The Royal Charter for the City of London, 1067

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The City of London Royal Charter
1067 A.D., one of William the Conqueror's first official acts
Click image to enlarge.
City of London charter, 1067
Fig. 21—Charter for The City of London Corporation (1067 A.D.). This charter is the oldest document in the archive of the City of London Corporation. (Click here to download the *.jpg image, check the Downloads folder.)

The charter was drawn up soon after William’s coronation in Westminster Abbey in December 1066. Following the Battle of Hastings in October 1066 William had subjugated much of the south-east of England as he marched towards London. With the City of London however he used a different approach, recognizing the importance of safeguarding its wealth and international trading links. A peaceful agreement with Londoners was reached, seen in this charter which is written in Old English (not William’s native Norman French) and in the established form of administrative letter used by English kings.

This charter is the earliest known royal document in Europe to guarantee the collective rights of all (not just a specific group of) the inhabitants of a town. The charter bears the earliest surviving impression of the seal of the new King of England. Source: London Metropolitan Archives.
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The Dragons of Mammon control the world's money, fiat currency, silver, gold and debt slavery
Click image to enlarge.
City of London crest
Fig. 22—The City of London Crest:” DOMINE DIRIGE NOS “Lord, direct (guide) us.” Who is their lord? Mammon. The upper left sword is St. George’s sword, seized by the dragon. The dragon is a symbol among the heathen. It was a title of supreme power among the early British. Note that St. George’s sword is tamed by the dragons and that rad-knight’s helmet also contains a dragon’s wing.
Click image to enlarge
List of Lord Mayors of London. (1189-2022). Wikipedia.

This symbolism of the domination of evil over the good is intentional, not coincidental or accidental The subsequent demon-possessed persons who have led the City of London since 1067 is meticulously preserved. Few historical records spanning 833 years are so complete and detailed:

List of Lord Mayors of London. (1189-2022). Wikipedia.

List of Sheriffs of London. (1042-2023). Wikipedia. Source: The City of London Corporation.

After The City of London charter, William the Conqueror ordered a comprehensive census called The Domesday Book to catalog all property and wealth in England so he could tax and control it. The Rad-knights, by then renamed Ashkenazi "Jews" were only too willing to facilitate the national inventory.

“The king acquired an exact knowledge of all the possessions of the crown.

Sound like the IRS, Federal Reserve, H.M. Treasury prison planet?

See Edward Baines, Esq. M.P. (1836). History of the County Palatine and Duchy of Lancaster, pdf p. 131. Deane Church.

Baines says The Domesday Book was commissioned in 1080 A.D. and completed in two volumes in 1086.

According to The National Archives (UK), the tax rad-knights cum Ashkenazi "Jews" asked these questions:

  1. What is the manor called?
  2. Who held it in the time of King Edward (in 1066)?
  3. Who holds it now (in 1086)?
  4. How many hides [one hide is 120 acres] are there?
  5. How many plough (team)s on the demesne (local lord’s own land) and among the men (rest of the village)?
  6. How many free mensokemen, villans, cotta[ge]rsslaves?
  7. How much woodland, meadow, pasture, mills, fisheries?
  8. How much has been added to or taken away from the manor?
  9. How much was the whole worth (1066) and how much now (1086)?
  10. How much had or has each freeman and each sokeman?

All the above questions to be recorded three times: in the time of King Edward (1066), when William gave it (often 1066), and now (1086).

And whether more can be had than is had (in other words, can the manor raise more tax revenue)?

As they had done back to Babylon, millennia earlier, the Babylon Radhanite merchant-bankers ordered a full inventory of the properties that they would tax and dominate.

What did those early English Babylonian Radhanite merchant-bankers class(cum newly-minted Ashkenazi "Jews") do with their fresh English victims?

They loaned them money to march off to the Holy Land to try and defeat the Seljuk Turks who had conquered both (their) Babylon and Jerusalem.

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The newly-minted Ashkenazi "Jew" merchant-bankers of The City of London sent British blood off to fight their banker war against the Muslims in the First Crusade
Click image to enlarge.
City of London crest
Fig. 23—The Babylonian Radhanite cum newly-minted Ashkenazi "Jew" merchant-banker pagans almost immediately began loaning money to crusader knights to march off to the Holy Land, ostensibly to liberate Jerusalem from their Seljuk Turk enemies. But in reality, they wanted them to liberate their homeland in Babylon. May the Lord have mercy on all the crusaders who became victims of Mammon's treachery.

With the seizure of England and England’s navy, the Babylonian Radhanites quickly abandoned their interest in the Khazarian northern route to China.

No doubt they were confident that the Crusaders would defeat the Seljuk Turks, retake Babylon, and reestablish their southern route on the Silk Road.

Remarkably, in the first Crusade, the Crusaders discovered in the Siege of Antioch the Holy Lance used by St. Longinus to pierce the side of Christ. Instructed in a dream, they carried the lance to the promised victory against the Seljuk Turk occupiers in Jerusalem.

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The Holy Lance of Antioch is believed to be in righteous hands today
Click image to enlarge.
The Holy Lance of Antioch is believed to bring victory to the one who possesses it.
Fig. 24—The Holy Lance of Antioch is believed to bring victory to the one who possesses it.
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The Holy Trinity icon stands watch over the Holy Lance of Antioch
Click image to enlarge.
The Holy Lance of Antioch is believed to bring victory to the one who possesses it.
Fig. 25—The Roman Centurion with Christ at Golgatha is said to have been healed when Christ's blood sprayed on him once he pierced Jesus' side with his centurion spear. His name is St. Longinus and he went on to become a Christian martyrdom. His feast day is commemorated in both the Orthodox Christian and Roman Catholic churches today. The Holy Trinity icon depicts the three angels who visited Abraham and Sarah at the Oaks of Mamré. This recently commissioned icon was modeled on the famed Andrei Rublev Icon of the Holy Trinity written ca. 1408 and 1425 that is now in the Lavra Monastery dedicated to the Trinity, 70 km from Moscow. The spear head shown above has been affirmatively dated to Israel in the 1st century A.D. and the alloy and shape are definitively confirmed to be those of a Roman centurion. According to the expert who tested it in Spain, it is the most well-preserved 1st century Roman centurion spear he has ever seen. It was discovered in the 20th century at the site of a Knights Templar consistory. Healings and miracles have occurred, and are occurring, among those in the presence of this lance.

With the ascendancy of England as a maritime power for trade, banking, money and war, the next 1200 years to today was set in motion for the Babylonian Radhanite merchant-banker pagans.

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Rule Britannia = Rule Mammon
. . . and perpetual Babylonian-Radhanite merchant-banker wars

Click image to enlarge.
The Holy Lance of Antioch is believed to bring victory to the one who possesses it.
Fig. 26—Rule Britannia is governed by the demon of Mammon and was built by the British East India Company--"merchants with a sword." The British crown was hijacked at inception in 1066 A.D. by the demon of Mammon and his legion.

These same merchant-bankers supplied the investment for America’s first four banks founded by Alexander Hamilton—British Spy No. 7, thus locking in America to the demonic British stranglehold of Mammon.

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Alexander Hamilton was British Spy No. 7 who set up America's banks with British investor
Click image to enlarge.
The Holy Lance of Antioch is believed to bring victory to the one who possesses it.
Fig. 27—Alexander Hamilton was a British Babylonian-Radhanite merchant-banker demon Spy No. 7 (Don’t shoot the messenger). See AFI. (May 20, 2022). Alexander Hamilton, British Spy #7, betrayed America’s fledgling banks to his Bank of England / Monarch’s Privy Council back channels. Americans for Innovation.

Hamilton's first American banks were:

  1. Bank of North America (1781), now Wells Fargo
  2. Bank of New York (1784), not BNY Mellon
  3. First Bank of the United States (1791), now BNY Mellon, Citizens, HSBC, Barings, Rothschild
  4. The Manhattan Company (1799), now JPMorgan Chase

On Jun. 05-28,1909, the British Babylonian-Radhanites merchant-bankers updated their control of intelligence, propaganda, Reuters, AP, biowarfare and technology through the Pilgrims Society and their First Imperial Press Conference, 1909.

The City of London Corporation's tyranny is controlled by Babylonian-Radhanite merchant-bankers who worship the demon-gods of Babylon via the Pilgrims Society.

The demons who control America’s banks are named in this article. They dwell in The City of London Corporation and are directed by the Pilgrims Society.

Now let us get to work exorcising these demons.

They must obey the righteous and are overcome with love.

Tell the synagogue of Satan:

Jesus Christ: "Get behind me, Satan."
Matthew 16:23

* * *

bookmark: #oxford-uk-freedom-fighters | https://tinyurl.com/2pdjvrrd
UK Freedom Fighters Are Striking Back
Click image to play video.
Fig. 28—TEAR DOWN THE OXFORD (UK) WALL. Oxford (spiritual home of the Pilgrims Society with Cambridge #2, Columbia #3, Harvard #4, Yale #5, Stanford #6, ETH #7, Tsinghua #8) tyrants want to fortify their 15-minute-cities citizens-movement-blocking scheme similar to former Soviet systems to control the citizenry from traveling freely. (Raw *.mp4 video file.)

Note to British patriots: Here's how these Pilgrims Society demons still view the British citizenry today. Like the true believers they are in Babylonian Radhanite usury, debt slavery and human sacrifice, they want to exploit you for your labor and value, isolate you, ship you off somewhere, or murder you if you are no longer useful.

Nothing has changed in this Babylonian Radhanite pagan worldview since this poster for the Salvation Army was created by W.T. Stead—the drafter of the "Society of the Elect" idea for Cecil Rhodes in 1890 that became the Pilgrims Society in 1902. See In Darkest England and the Way Out.

William Booth (b. 1829, d.1912). (Nov. 01, 1890). In Darkest England and the Way Out, supplement to The Review of Reviews, Nov. 1890, W.T. Stead publisher and co-author with Booth. Review of Reviews. Source: https://digital.library.cornell.edu/catalog/ss:3293831 NOTE: "THE COLONY ACROSS THE SEA" is South Africa.

Fig. 29Tim Truth. (Apr. 26, 2023). TEAR DOWN THE OXFORD WALL - TYRANTS WANT TO FORTIFY MOVEMENT BLOCKING SCHEME (EAST GERMANY REDUX). Tim Truth. (Raw *.mp4 video file.) Source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/kTaN51I8ijTv/

Described above is abject immorality on the part of the British Pilgrims Society and their Babylonian synagogue of satan demons.

Morality must win the day.

"Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."

The Gospel of St. Matthew 4:17.

Bookmark: #miller-act-notice | https://tinyurl.com/2s3s3y6r
Reminder Re. the Miller Act Notice—The Perpetrators of this Epic Fraud must disgorge their ill-gotten gain
Click image to open PDF of this and the next slide
How Leader Technologies' Miller Act Notice check will help create true Free Speech in our American Republic
Fig. 30—The First Amended Miller Act Notice. Click here to download the PDF (check your Downloads folder after clicking). See also, Complaint against Judge Leonard P. Stark's fraud against his own court in Leader v. Facebook and 2,400 other patent cases.
Federal British-American Patent Weaponization Thieves
James P. Chandler, III Andrew W. Marshall
James P. Chandler, III Andrew W. Marshall

Leader Technologies, Inc. sent their FIRST AMENDED MILLER ACT NOTICE to President Trump (the then-current President) It is a contract demand for the U.S. Treasury to pay them for the federal government's 18-year theft of their social networking inventions. These inventions were stolen by Major General James E. Freeze (US Army, ret.) and Leader's patent attorney James P. Chandler, III, on behalf of Andrew W. Marshall and the Department of Defense Office of Net Assessment, and the Pilgrims Society who steal and weaponize inventions for continuous war making and enrichment of fascist insider military-industrial corporations.

Patriots are encouraged to help get this First Amended Miller Act Notice to President Trump and past the Praetorian Guard. See American Intelligence Media republish of the Leader Miller Act Notice.

bookmark: #cost-of-merchant-banker-wars | https://tinyurl.com/max4s8ck
The Cost of Babylonian Radhanite merchant-banker wars
Click this image to play video.
Michael Boldin. (Feb, 27, 2023). The Cost of War is Much More than Financial. Tenth Amendment Center.
Fig. 31—Michael Boldin. (Feb, 27, 2023). The Cost of War is Much More than Financial. Tenth Amendment Center. Source: YouTube. (Raw *.mp4 video file).

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Notices: This post may contain opinion. As with all opinion, it should not be relied upon without independent verification. Think for yourself. Photos used are for educational purposes only and were obtained from public sources. No claims whatsoever are made to any photo.


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