No. |
Pilgrims Society Presidency Dates |
Privy Council |
Short Name |
Full Name, Peerage Titles |
Notable Treachery |
US President(s) Controlled |
1 |
2015-present |
YES, soon |
Air Marshal Baron Stirrup
.jpg) |
Marshal of the Royal Air Force Graham Eric Stirrup, Baron Stirrup, KG, GCB, AFC, FRAeS, FCMI, Pilgrims Society (15th Pres) |
Afghanistan, Iraq; UK Defence Chief; UK Air Chief; Lord Mark Malloch-Brown United Nations Election Rigging; False Flags: Charlie Hebdo shooting, San Bernadio, Parkland, Las Vegas, Wuhan bat soup, COVID fake pandemic, emergence of state-sponsored biowarfare, Moderna-Pfizer-Astrazeneca pathogens, tyrant Anthony (Abys) Fauci, Ukraine color revolution, Trump-Russia Hoax, Israel-Hamas Hoax, Trump Assassination attempts; legally unqualified Brit Kamala Harris/Doug Emhoff and a now plethora of groomed U.S. UNIPARTY presidential candidate cutouts; Prince's / King's Trust International expanding offices in U.S.; U.S. Migrant Invasion funding; Pilgrims Society |
Biden |
2 |
2009-2014 |
Baron Robertson
George Islay MacNeill Robertson, Baron Robertson of Port Ellen, KT, GCMG, PC, FRSA, FRSE, Pilgrims Society (14th Pres) |
NATO Secretary General; Iraq WMDs lie, Iraq "Civil War;" Atlantic Council; Chatham House; Sandy Hook; Libya; Pilgrims Society |
GWBush, Obama |
3 |
2002-2008 |
Field Marshal Baron Inge
Field Marshal Peter Anthony Inge, Baron Inge, KG, GCB, PC, DL, Pilgrims Society (13th Pres) |
Chief of Defence; Aegis Missile Systems (RCA); QinetiQ created; Iraq Invastion, WMD lie; Theft of Social Networking; "Five Eyes" deployment of Social Networking inventions stolen from Leader Technologies for secret communications, surveillance, mind control, biowarfare, propaganda, profit taking, stock market manipulation (subsumed by MI6, Reuters, AP in London); Pilgrims Society |
GWBush |
4 |
1983-2002 |
6th Baron Carrington
Peter Alexander Rupert Carington, 6th Baron Carrington, Baron Carington of Upton, KG, GCMG, CH, MC, PC, DL, Pilgrims Society (12th Pres) |
NATO Secretary General, Bilderberg Group, GE (RCA), FBI encryption backdoors, Beirut bombings, Lockerbie, 911, Kosovo, Columbine, U.S. Embassy bombings in Africa, Clinton Foundation formed, Pilgrims Society |
Reagan, GHWBush, Clinton, GWBush |
5 |
1977-1983 |
2nd Baron Astor
Gavin Astor, 2nd Baron Astor of Hever PC DL, Pilgrims Society (11th Pres) |
The Times propaganda; Senior Executive Service (SES, Crown Agents) formed; Lord Victor Rothschild bankrolls the biotech industry singlehandedly; Oracle ermerges from USAF; SERCO formed, RCA merged into SERCO; Sir Geoffrey Pattie holds Queen's golden corporate shares, leads IP Institute, Marconi, British Aerospace; Pilgrims Society |
Carter, Reagan |
6 |
1965-1977 |
5th Baron Harlech
William David Ormsby-Gore, 5th Baron Harlech KCMG PC DL, Pilgrims Society (10th Pres) |
GCHQ; propaganda films; lusted for widow Jackie Kennedy; MLK & RFK Assassinated; Petrodollar created by Pilgrims Kissinger; US gold standard abolished; OPIC formed; Pilgrim Lyndon Johnson installed as US President; entire Nixon cabinet were Pilgrims Society (e.g., Weinberger, McCraken, Kissinger, Schultz, Haig, Volcker, Ford, Schlesinger, Mitchell, Romney, Richardson, Stans, Simon, Erlichman, Haldeman), SERCO created; Pilgrims Society |
Johnson, Nixon, Ford |
7 |
1962-1965 |
1st Baron Evershed
Francis Raymond Evershed, 1st Baron Evershed, PC, Pilgrims Society (9th Pres) |
Law Lord; JFK warns about "secret societies;" JFK Assassinated, Pilgrims Society |
Kennedy, Johnson |
8 |
1958-1962 |
1st Baron Birkett
William Norman Birkett, 1st Baron Birkett, PC, Pilgrims Society (8th Pres) |
Nuremburg judge; exported Nazi engineers; wire tapping; USAID formed; Eisenhower warnede about the emergence of a vast military-industrial complex in peacetime; Pilgrims Society |
Dwight Eisenhower, Kennedy |
9 |
1950-1958 |
1st Earl of Halifax
Edward Frederick Lindley Wood, 1st Earl of Halifax, KG, OM, GCSI, GCMG, GCIE, TD, PC, Pilgrims Society (7th Pres) |
War Secretary, NSA formed, Pilgrims Society |
Truman, Eisenhower |
10 |
1948-1950 |
1st Viscount Greenwood
Thomas Hamar Greenwood, 1st Viscount Geenwood, PC, KC, Pilgrims Society (6th Pres) |
Irish Troubles, Pilgrims Society |
Truman |
11 |
1945-1948 |
17th Earl of Derby
Edward George Villiers Stanley, 17th Earl of Derby, KG, GCB, GCVO, TD, PC, JP, Pilgrims Society (5th Pres) |
War Secretary, Ultra Secret "Five Eyes" formed, CIA formed, Pilgrims Society |
Truman |
12 |
1942-1945 |
King George VI
George VI (Albert Frederick Arthur George King of the United Kingdom and the Dominions of the British Commonwealth, Knights of Malta English Priory Patron, Pilgrims Society (4th Pres) Patron |
Pilgrims Society conspiracy, Bretton Woods, World Bank, IMF, United Nations formed |
FDRoosevelt |
13 |
1917-1942 |
Duke of Connaught
Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught and Strathearn (Arthur William Patrick Albert), PC, Pilgrims Society (3rd Pres) |
Infiltration of America from Canada; formation of FBI; bankroll of Mao Zedong;
Institute of Pacific Relations formed; Council on Foreign Relations formed; Chatham House formed; Carnegie Endowment for International Peace formed; Bank for International Settlements formed; Lillian Scott Troy deported; English-Speaking Union formed; Pilgrims Society |
Wilson, Harding, Coolidge, Hoover, FDRoosevelt |
14 |
1915-1917 |
Viscount Bryce
James Bryce, 1st Viscount Bryce, OM, GCVO, PC, FRS, FBA, Pilgrims Society (2nd Pres) |
German “atrocities” propaganda hoax called The Bryce Report; fomented Bolshevik Revolution; British War Propaganda Bureau "Wellington House" targeted America run by W. Churchill nephew F.G. Masterman; Pilgrims Society |
Wilson |
15 |
1902-1914 |
Field Marshal 1st Earl Roberts
Field Marshal Frederick Sleigh Roberts, 1st Earl Roberts, VC, KG, KP, GCB, OM, GCSI, GCIE, VD, PC, FRSGS, Pilgrims Society (1st Pres) |
Butcher of the Transvaal, Boer War; concentration camps, Burroughs Wellcome & Co. vaccine experimentation on black and white prisoners; Federal Reserve; World War I; JPMorgan US newspapers takeover; Carnegie libraries formed to press British-friendly international news; "Declaration of Interdependence;" Rhodes Scholarships; First Imperial Press Conference 1909; formation of MI6 MI5 GC&CS (now GCHQ) Empire Press Union; Funding and Training of Vladimir Lenin; Royal Over-Seas League founded; financial alliances with Robber barons John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, JP Morgan; Henry Ford; Thomas Edison; Lords Rothschild; David Sarnoff; Franklin D. Roosevelt; Winston Churchill; Elihu Root; William Howard Taft; Nicholas Murray Butler; Pilgrims Society formed |
TRoosevelt, Taft, Wilson |
16 |
1853-1902 |
Cecil John Rhodes
Political father of the Pilgrims Society; died on Mar. 26, 1902 just months before the formation of the Pilgrims Society on Jul. 16, 1902; Pilgrims Society brainchild; DeBeers CEO; Rhodes Scholarship; Rothschild & Co. partner; British South Africa Company founder, Rhodesia founder. Wikipedia. |
British East India Company slave trade turned to white, brown, yellow slaves; opium trade, Solomon's Ophir Mines seized, diamonds, gold, Fabians, settlement movement (Palestine), British Zionism, Rothschild conspiracies, YMCA founded, Salvation Army founded, W.T. Stead sponsored, tabloid journalism, Robber baron conspiracies, continuous wars; imperial corporate federalism |
TRoosevelt, McKinley, Cleveland, Chester, Garfield, Hayes, Grant, Johnson, Lincoln, Buchanan |
Reproduced for educational purposes only. Fair Use relied upon. Any mistakes or omissions are inadvertent and will be corrected if we are notified and the information is verified in a public forum. We do not warrant for mistakes or omissions made in individual public biographies appearing in such sources as Pilgrims Society, Carol Quigley, Rothschild Archives, Wikipedia, British Archives, British Library, UK Parliament, or other notoriously public and therefore judicially recognizable information sources. Compiled by Anonymous Patriots. Ver. September 25, 2024.