


Will accountability to God or enslavement to bullies succeed?
Contributing Writers | Opinion | AMERICANS FOR INNOVATION  | May 08, 2017 | PDF
Deep State to Trump: We got your back.
Fig. 1: President John F. Kennedy saw the evil nature of the C.I.A in the 1960's. These whistleblowers confirm that the C.I.A. assassinated President Kenney and covered it up. The difference between then and now is the proliferation of alternative media. In President Kennedy's day, the official Deep State media narrative was controlled by the TV networks ABC, CBS and NBC. Today, cable news as well as the alternative media can now provide a truthful alternative to the sychophant mainstream media that is nothing more than propaganda machines. As a result, America today has a unique historical opportunity to stop this rogue C.I.A. global tyranny before it completely takes over global communications infrastructure and snuffs out its alternative media competitors.
Graphic: AZ Quotes.
Racketeers are people who make money from a pattern of illegal activities.

(May 08, 2017)—Are Americans cowards? Is America’s Judeo-Christian spiritual heritage vanquished?

Are we so addicted to TV binge watching that we will sacrifice our Republic in exchange for perpetual titillation?

How many C.I.A. / FBI / NSA whistleblowers do we need before the American people will wake up and take action?

Benjamin Franklin: “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

In an unprecedented departure from history, America’s Founders placed all political power in the hands of “We the People. “

America’s Founders implemented a radical departure from the rule of men. In the American Republic, all government activity derives its power from The People.

However, even Benjamin Franklin expressed some doubt in the will of We the People to maintain the responsibility that comes with power. When asked by a politically active Mrs. Powel what kind of government the Founders had given us, Mr. Franklin replied “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

The U.S. Constitution was written to protect the People from the tyranny of government, not to protect government from the power of The People.

When The People fear the government, tyranny rules.

When the government fears the people, freedom rules.

Freedom is not political

However, the current state of affairs in America should raise the alarm for all freedom-loving people of every race, creed, color and political leaning left to right.

The pace of whistleblowing about an uncontrolled global spy state has increased exponentially. Do we really need more evidence than we already have? This post reviews some of the more prominent whistleblowers:

Bookmark: #fbi-ted-gunderson
FBI: Former FBI Agent In Charge Ted L. Gunderson

FBI Special Agent In Charge Ted Gunderson was a candidate for FBI Director in 1979. He was the chief of the Dallas, Memphis and Los Angeles FBI Offices. He spent his retirement exposing the corruption within the American intelligence community.

https://youtu.be/Bk4TrZv0MJ4 | Raw *.mp4 video file | Full Transcript & Resume | Full video
"Let me tell you something ladies and gentlemen, there are people in our government, a rogue outfit, whatever I’m not sure, who are actually behind these terrorist acts. The reason they're behind terrorist acts is so they can pass bills like the Patriot Act. The reason the Congressmen and Senators vote for these stupid bills, stupid by our terms, in our definition, is because many of them have been set up and framed through sex and drugs."

See TIMELINE - Ted L. Gunderson (May 12, 2005): People you trusted are now hijacking the Internet.

Bookmark: #nsa-william-binney
NSA: William Binney

William Binney was the chief architect of the NSA system until 2001. He resigned after discovering that a secret group within the NSA was collecting metadata and content intelligence on American citizens in clear violation of the law that prohibits the NSA from spying on Americans.

https://youtu.be/5kDliSTSOPA | Raw *.mp4 video file

See TIMELINE - William Binney (Oct. 31, 2001): People you trusted are now hijacking the Internet.

Bookmark: #cia-kevin-shipp
NSA: KEvin ShiPP

Kevin Shiff published From The Company of Shadows. He was a decorated C.I.A. officer who went on deadly assignments for our country.

https://youtu.be/5kDliSTSOPA | Raw *.mp4 video file

"But the higher I got up in the Agency, the more I began to see illegal, unconstitutional, sometimes criminal activity that the Agency, and some other sectors of the shadow government, I cal it, were doing things that were illegal and unconstitutional . . . It is almost too late to stop what is now a post-constitutional government."

See TIMELINE - Kevin Shipp (Aug. 05, 2016): People you trusted are now hijacking the Internet.

Bookmark: #cia-robert-david-steele
C.I.A.: Robert David Steele

Robert David Steele was a C.I.A. Agent from 1979-1993. He wrote the Marine Corp Master Intelligence Plan and is widely publicized having authored eight books.

https://youtu.be/U163FHcbw5s | Raw *.mp4 video file | TRANSCRIPT & RESUME

"It had never occurred to me that our entire intelligence community was a fraud. Never mind all the atrocities, OK? Never mind the drone assassination program that kills 98% innocents, or the torture and rendition program, or the fact that we bribe people for a living, OK? Never mind all that. The fact is the U.S. intelligence community is a fraud. And now, it's a dangerous fraud because, since 9/11, NSA has basically been surveilling, spying on all U.S. politicians, and CIA has been blackmailing U.S. politicians, including Senator John McCain nd Senator Lindsey Graham.

See TIMELINE - Robert David Steele (Apr. 17, 2017): People you trusted are now hijacking the Internet.


C.I.A.: Susan Lindauer

Susan Linedaur was a C.I.A. Asset. She was the liason between the U.S. government and the Libyan and Iraqi governments, via their UN Missions, at the time when the U.S. did not have formal dipolatic contacts. She revealed that it was common knowledge within the senior Bush Administration that plans were being made to fly jets into the World Trade Center as early as April 2001. She further testified that demolition explosives were placed inside the Towers to ensure their controlled collapse. She agrees with FBI Agent In Charge Ted Gunderson that the World Trade Center was intended to be a Pearl Harbor-like event to push passage of The Patriot Act.

https://youtu.be/Nh8ZFf6S484 | Raw *.mp4 video file | TRANSCRIPT & RESUME

"Above all, to understand why 9/11 was an 'inside job,' it's critical to understand that its completion resulted from opposing forces collideing against each other - one side working aggressively to stop the attack, and the other undercutting every proactive move."

See TIMELINE - Linda Landauer (ca. Apr. 15, 2001): People you trusted are now hijacking the Internet.

Will humanity turn over its will to this technocracy of global tyranny.

Is humanity already so brainwashed and reeducated by the mainstream media and education propaganda machine that global technocratic tyranny is an inevitability?

Time will tell.

The Bible in The Book of Genesis 1:27 says human beings are made in the image and after the likeness of God:

And God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

As a result, all human beings are deserving of respect because of that image of God stamped on their souls.

The global technocratic tyranny is on the record of believing the exact opposite to the Judeo-Christian view of humankind. It rejects God. It views human beings as mere lumps of flesh. These self-described “elites” use pedophilia and child sacrifice as means of control. Vaccinations are intentionally contaminated. Lying is a mechanism of deception and control.

These tyrannies are not new; they have been with us since the dawn of time.

What is different today is the ability of these people to control information digitally.

This control of the Internet is quickly devolving humans into a jellyfish existence that is easily molded.

The future of our Republic is in your hands. Will you act to stop it?

Or, will you excuse this misconduct?

These whistleblowers have all said the same thing: a rogue C.I.A. has taken over control of the American Deep State.

The choice is yours.




















the Deep State is engaged in lawfare against the American people.

Many large, multinational law firms are Constitutional rogues. Ironically, many of them advertise as experts in ethics and constitutional law. Beneath this ruse it is clear that they study those subjects in order to subvert them. They are the $1,000 per hour “hired liars” for their globalist corporate clients. Mega law firms should be banned. The number of partners in a law firm should be limited. They have ruined our judicial system with their cronyism and secrecy. The U.S. Constitution is for everyone else, not for them.

Where are the whistleblowers?

On Aug. 05, 2016, Kevin Shipp, a decorated C.I.A. agent turned whistleblower and author of FROM THE COMPANY OF SHADOWS (2013), spoke on the subject of “Where are the whistleblowers?”

https://youtu.be/cRoNMDGTBVk | Raw *.mp4 video file | FULL TEXT TRANSCRIPT

He opened his talk by saying:

“But the higher I got up in the Agency, the more I began to see illegal, unconstitutional, sometimes criminal activity that the Agency, and some other sectors of the shadow government, I call it, were doing things that were illegal and unconstitutional.”

“When the US government violates the Constitution, they are committing multiple felonies based on the foundation of our government.”

Shipp continued,

“So, as a federal agent I had to swear an oath to the Constitution, to defend the Constitution and our country against enemies foreign and domestic. The problem was there were some that were domestic. And, there were some that happened to be in our own government.”

Shipp: Wake up call. It’s almost too late.

“It is almost too late to stop what is now a post constitutional government. The People are no longer ruling in our country. The government in a tyrannical form is not ruling people by subversion, force and fear.”

Shipp zeroed in on the “secrecy agreement” or “nondisclosure agreement” as the primary weapon used by the government against potential whistleblowers. He went on to describe his moral decision to resist the intimidation, follow the truth, and follow his oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution as his higher, righteous calling.

The C.I.a. Secrecy Agreement Weapon: Form SF312 Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement

C.I.A. uses threats and Intimidation to muzzle citizens from holding their government accountable

Shipp said all intelligence employees and contractors must sign Form SF312 Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement. (Sometimes called the “Secrecy Agreement.”)

On the surface, it is a simple two-page agreement.

However, those two pages directly incorporate 1,242 pages of nested laws, directives, orders and regulations to which the person is committing! Do you think anybody has read those pages?

We just did. We actually compiled those pages below. Here are the laws, orders and regulations referred to directly in the C.I.A. Secrecy Agreement:

  1. Executive Order 12356, later became 13526 (18 pgs.). National Security Information. This order binds the following laws, orders and regulations INSIDE it:
    1. 5 USC 552. Public information; agency rules, opinions, records, and proceedings (29 pgs.)
    2. USC Title 44. Public Printing and Documents (317 pgs.)
    3. 42 U.S.C. §§ 2011-2021, 2022-2286i, 2296a-2297h-13. Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (543 pgs.)
  2. 18 USC 641. Public money, property or records (2 pgs.)
  3. 18 USC 793. Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information (3 pgs.)
  4. 18 USC 794. Gathering or delivering defense information to aid foreign government (3 pgs.)
  5. 18 USC 798. Disclosure of classified information (3 pgs.)
  6. 18 USC 952. Diplomatic codes and correspondence (1 pg.)
  7. 18 USC 1924. Unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or material (1 pg.)
  8. 50 USC 783. Communication of classified information by Government officer or employee (2 pgs.)
  9. 50 USC 421-426. Protection of certain national security information (4 pgs.)
  10.  5 USC 7211. Employees' right to petition Congress (1 pg.)
  11. 10 USC 1034. Protected communications; prohibition of retaliatory personnel actions (4 pgs.)
  12. 10 USC 1054. Defense of certain suits arising out of legal malpractice (1pg.)
  13. 5 USC 2302. Prohibited personnel practices (8 pgs.)
  14. 5 USC App. Inspector General Act of 1978. U.S. Federal Register (57 pgs.)
  15. 50 USC 403. Director of National Intelligence (3 pgs.)
  16. Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949. (6 pgs.)
  17. 32 CFR 2001. Classified National Security Information, Final Rule (in 70 pgs. Fed. Reg.)
  18. Classified Information SF312 Briefing Pamphlet (65 pgs.)

The total number became not two, but 1,242 pages!

In this environment judges rule by fiat. Perhaps he decides in one case to be decent. But then, when a globalist crony is in the docket, she rules for her crooked friends. It’s pure lawyer street rule. We the People are not even in their equation.

Nobody can follow these nested laws

Our calculation of 1,242 pages above does not incorporate the additional pages incorporated within those 1,242 pages of nested regulations. For example, one page counted above contains 26 embedded references to other regulations:

10 USC 1054. Defense of certain suits arising out of legal malpractice (1 pg.), contains 26 pages of nested laws:

  1. 28 USC 1346. United States as defendant (5pages)
  2. 28 USC 2672. Administrative adjustment of claim (2 pgs.)
  3. 32 USC 316. Details of members of Army National Guard for rifle instruction of civilians (1 pg.)
  4. 32 USC 502. Required drills and field exercises (3 pgs.)
  5. 32 USC 503. Participation in field exercises (3 pgs.)
  6. 32 USC 504. National Guard schools and small arms competition (1 pg.)
  7. 32 USC 505. Army and Air Force schools and field exercises (2 pgs.)
  8. 28 USC 2677. Compromise (1 pg.)
  9. 28 USC 2680. Exceptions (3 pgs.)

5 USC 2302 (8 pgs.) contains much more than 275 pages of nested laws. Note, two sections are completely open-ended references to "any other provision of law designated that the Director of the Office of Personnel Management designates:" That makes no sense. An applicant is being required to follow the future thoughts of the Director. This scam gives new meaning to the idea of illegal contract fine print.

  1. 42 U.S.C. 2000e–16. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 (10 pgs.)
  2. 29 U.S.C. 621. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (22 pgs.)
  3. 29 U.S.C. 201. The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (54 pgs.)
  4. 29 U.S.C. 791. The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (2 pgs.)
  5. Unspecified law: Sections 2108, 3305 (b), 3309, 3310, 3311, 3312, 3313, 3314, 3315, 3316, 3317 (b), 3318, 3320, 3351, 3352, 3363, 3501, 3502 (b), 3504, and 4303 (e) and (with respect to a preference eligible referred to in section 7511 (a)(1)(B)) subchapter II of chapter 75 and section 7701 (at least 21 pgs.)
  6. 10 U.S.C. 943. Organization and employees (2 pgs.)
  7. 10 U.S.C. 1784. Employment opportunities for military spouses (2 pgs.)
  8. Section 1308(b) of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (1 pg.)
  9. The Foreign Service Act of 1980, Section 301(c) of (159 pgs.)
  10. 38 USC 106 (f). Certain service deemed to be active service (3 pgs.)
  11. 38 USC 7281 (e). Employees (2 pgs.)
  12. 38 USC 7802 (5). Duties of Secretary with respect to Service (2 pgs.)
  13. 39 USC 1005 (a). Applicability of laws relating to Federal employees (3 pgs.)
  14. Open-ended: Any other provision of law that the Director of the Office of Personnel Management designates in regulations as being a veterans’ preference requirement for the purposes of this subsection (N pgs.)
  15. Open-ended: Any regulation prescribed under subsection (b) or (c) of section 1302 and any other regulation that implements a provision of law referred to in any of the preceding subparagraphs (N pgs.)
Bookmark: #cia-secrecy-intimidation

Absurdities buried in the C.I.A. Secrecy Agreement

Buried deep inside the second layer of links in the C.I.A. Secrecy Agreement is 39 USC 1005 (a). Applicability of laws relating to Federal employees (3 pgs.).

For Postal Service employees, the term below subjects the agreement to UNSPECIFIED (open ended) "procedures established by the Postal Service."

"Applicability of laws relating to Federal employees (a)(1) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, the provisions of chapter 75 of title 5 (Adverse Actions) shall apply to officers and employees of the Postal Service except to the extent of any inconsistency with (B) procedures established by the Postal Service and approved by the Civil Service Commission."

Therefore, if the C.I.A. decides to persecute a Postal Service employee, they merely need to have the Postal Service implement an "exception" to be applied only to their targeted employee. Such corrupt lawyering is an example of how the rogue C.I.A. maintains its power and intimidates whisteblowers.

Unless the C.I.A. officer overseeing the Secrecy Agreement specifically pointed this out to a prospective Postal Service employee, then this ommission would nullify for fraud the Secrecy Agreement signed by Postal Service employees pursuant to the Restatement (Second) of Contracts (1981) cited at the end of this post.

In addition, the "Statute of Frauds" would also nullify the contract also since such open-ended terms, as just illustrated, must be spelled out specifically so that the applicant knows exactly the objective terms and conditions to which he or she is committing before the contract can be enforced.

Some pages will have more, others fewer nested pages. So, for the purposes of this example, we will use a conservative factor of 13 as the average number of nested regulations per page.

If this 13:1 ratio holds, that would increase the total number of pages referenced in the secrecy agreement from:

Nested layers of regulations (pages):

  1. 1,242
  2. 16,146
  3. 209,898
  4. 2,7 million
  5. 35.5 million
  6. 461.1 million, then
  7. 6  billion

“Law nesting” empowers only crooked Deep State judges and attorneys

C.I.A. Secrecy Agreement contains probably infinite nested links

Clearly, this lawfare nesting of regulations inside of regulations ad infinitum is designed to destroy our Constitution as moral standard.

Whenever judges want to rule against something to support their globalist handlers—no matter whether legal precedent constrains them or not—they’ll just rummage through these nestings until they find something to justify ruling for their globalist handlers anyway. Then, if that decision is challenged, they'll deny appeals using the now meaningless excuse of "judicial discretion."

Bookmark: #leonard-p-stark-lawfare
Leonard P. Stark
Fig. 4—LAWFARE Judge Leonard P. Stark,
Obama's last minute replacement judge in Leader v. Facebook. Played a bogus "judicial discretion" privilege to protect Facebook, in whose financial interests he was substantially invested. He was also recommended to Obama for appointment by Facebook's attorney, Cooley Godward LLP.

For example, in the Leader v. Facebook patent infringement battle, Obama's one-month-before-trial replacement Magistrate Judge Leonard P. Stark engaged in lawfare. He cited an 1898 criminal law to support his negation of Leader Technologies' victory over Facebook that proved on 11 of 11 claims that the engine running Facebook is Leader's invention. Stark ignored well-established patent law precedent. Wantonly, he excused his misconduct, saying "There is nothing impermissible* about such an analysis" in dredging up the 1898 criminal law that has NEVER been used in a patent case in the history of our Republic . . . until Judge Stark (still a Magistrate Judge at the time) overrode many decades of precedent and gave himself permission to do what was "not impermissible." This decision appears to have been the Obama/Clinton/Soros/globalist quid pro quo for his appointment right after the trial. This illustrates how subtly and under-handedly Deep State shadow government corruption has crept in to American jurisprudence.

* STARK: "There is nothing impermissible" plays a bogus "judicial discretion" excuse. He is essentially saying: "I am a federal judge and I can interpret the law anyway I please." The fact was that nothing in law or precedent justified his opinion other than his profligate abuse of his judicial discretion for his globalist handlers. On appeal, each additional judge had a clone of Stark's financial and relationship conflicts of interest. They were all invested heavily in Facebook financial interests and attorney relationships. Chief Justice Roberts was even an admitted mentor to Facebook's attorney. See Leader Technologies' Petition for Writ of Certiorari to the U.S. Supreme Court.

If permitted to do that long enough, these globalist lawfare judges create new precedent out of thin air.

“Post Constitutional Form of Government”

This, we believe, is what Mr. Shipp refers to when he said we are in a “post constitutional” form of government. The rule of law has been replaced by judicial fiat where the highest bidder in the judge’s chambers rules.

Bookmark: #deep-state-social-networking-theft

AFI researchers are now familiar with this Deep State modus operandi. These are the same lawyers who wrote the deceptive 1,500+ user license agreements for Google, Facebook, Instagram, What’s App, Yahoo, Microsoft, etc. where users are fooled into giving up all their privacy rights and property in exchange for free stuff. The illustration below stopped at eight link layers deep into the unintelligible legal nesting.

Unconstitutional Gov't fraud and misrepresentation amounting to slavery
Facebook, FacebookMail, Instagram, LinkedIn, What'sApp, Google, Gmail, YouTube, Hotmail, WindowsLive, Skype, Yahoo, YahooMail, Flickr, Tumblr, Twitter, Apple, AppleTalk, PalTalk, SnapChat, IBM Websphere, Sharepoint, Lotus Notes, etc. all deploy a rogue C.I.A.-inspired end user license agreement drafted by the IBM Eclipse Foundation starting in late 2001. You give up all your information and Constitutional privacy and property rights.

(Rogue C.I.A.) social networking end user licenses all use the same nesting of terms charade employed in the C.I.A. Secrecy Agreement. The original name was the Common Public License Version 0.5 provided to Eclipse Foundation members on Aug. 29, 2002. The source code provided carried fraudulent IBM copyright claims (TIMELINE ENTRY) over the inventions of Leader Technologies, Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam and others.
Facebook and Google 800+ page end user license agreements with nested links running on ad infinitum

Institutional Slavery

Then, as if the lawfare nesting is not harmful enough, these lawyers then have their government employees, numbering over 4.8 million people according to Agent Kevin Shipp, sign their life to the Agency, essentially engaging in institutional slavery:

6. I understand that the United States Government may seek any remedy available to it to enforce this Agreement including, but not limited to, application for a court order prohibiting disclosure of information in breach of this Agreement.

Both sides lie in Section 12: Built in fraud

12.  I have read this Agreement carefully and my questions, if any, have been answered. I acknowledge that the briefing officer has made available to me the Executive Order and statutes referenced in this agreement and its implementing regulation (32 CFR Part 2001 , section 2001 .80(d)(2) ) so that I may read them at this time, if I so choose.


This Secrecy Agreement is clearly the binding element of the Deep State shadow government.

“4.8 million Americans (and those are just the ones we know of) hold government security clearances” and are bound by and threatened by the secrecy agreement to stay silent” Now the figure is a lot bigger than that, but that’s a lot of people, and their families, and everybody that they’re connected to. Do you think they’re going to speak up if it means total destruction? Probably not.

Common sense says that the briefing officer did not provide 6 billion seventh layer of nested documents at the signing of the Secrecy Agreement.

But, since: (1) the C.I.A. officer misrepresented himself or herself by not providing the 6 billion nested regulation pages (or 35 million in the fifth layer; or even the 16,146 in the second layer), and (2) the applicant did not review those 6 billion pages of regulations; both sides lied and committed fraud.

Given this fundamental fraud, the law says the Secrecy Agreements are fundamentally null, void and unenforceable, since they were entered into under false pretenses.

Restatement (Second) of Contracts (1981) (numerous provisions regarding lack of good faith, fraudulent inducement, misrepresentation, threat, duress, when contract is voidable, retraint on competition, interference, recklessness, negligence, unenforceable by public policy, incl. Sec. 164 (p. 23): "If a party's manifestation of assent is induced by either a fraudulent or a material misrepresentation by the other party upon which the recipient is justified in relying, the contract is voidable by the recipient."


In conclusion, the C.I.A. Secrecy Agreement is a total fraud that has undermined the Republic.

The solution is to wipe the slate clean of this fraudulent tool of globalist Deep State shadow government threats and intimidation that has harmed so many people, and has made America less secure—the polar opposite of its stated aim. The Secrecy Agreement is clearly the shadow government's central organizing tool.

Then, use simple, straightforward, unnested, common sense law.

While we are at it, let’s move our government agencies out of Washington, D.C. around the country, to more down-to-earth places with traditional values like North Platte, Nebraska, where the lawyers will have to do real work again instead of ruin our Republic.

* * *

Notice: This post may contain opinion. As with all opinion, it should not be relied upon without independent verification. Think for yourself. Photos used are for educational purposes only and were obtained from public sources. No claims whatsoever are made to any photo. Fair Use is relied upon.


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